Monday, May 02, 2005


How are you Rizwan?

Oh! You are back, I almost forgot about you

Yeah you do it better then any other creation, you forget,

Any ways, how are things with you

Just like any one else,

What makes you interested in me?

Because I am interested in knowing your perspective about life

What perspective?

Whatever has happened or is happening in your life is a fact, and fact never changes, it’s just your point of view about something that keeps changing all the time and I am interested in your point of view.

I didn’t get what you want to say

Remember when your dad passed away, you were there with him in the hospital room, you, doctor and the nurse

Yes I do

You remember how every one else around you was crying hard and there was no tear in your eye


Why was that, they were more concerned about him leaving the physical world, you were thinking about his soul getting eternal peace. You had a totally different perspective then every one else.

You mean the way we see things

Absolutely, you were able to see things from other side of the door, and that was good.


So I was just interested in knowing how you are perceiving things and events happening to your life right now?

Life is giving me a tough time.

What makes you say that?

I am having problems with my finances, with my job, with my family, my school, I guess rather then trouble following me, I am following the trouble

Are you sure it’s the life that’s giving your trouble

Yup, I sure am

And you think that your life should be trouble free


There should not be any trouble in your life

Not a single one,

Did you ever thought that these troubles are designed for you

Not these, I believe all the troubles are designed for me; in fact I am designed for troubles

You sure are designed & destined to face all these troubles, but not in the way you think

What do you mean by that?

You have been sent in this universe with a purpose, something to achieve, and to achieve whatever you are destined for, you need to posses some skills, attitudes and knowledge, that will lead you to your ultimate destination

I thought we were talking about my problems

Yes we are

I didn’t get you

These problems are specifically designed to guide you in your direction, by giving you lessons

Wait a minute! I am a little lost; you are saying that my inability to pay off my credit card debt is guidance for me or my dropping a course in school is helping me achieve my goals

Yes you are right

How can that be?

How did you learn to walk Rizwan, did you do it the first time you tried to walk, were you able to walk


But you kept on trying, if you remember, you use to fell down several times, once when your uncle held your hand are you were able to walk with his support, how happy you were

No honestly I don’t remember

Its ok if you don’t but the point I want to make is that it took you time to learn how to walk, you weren’t able to do it right away, and when you were finally on your feet walking, you were still not done yet, do you remember your first fracture

Yeah my right hand

Hmmm, how did that happen?

I fell in a hole

Ahaaan, and how did that happen

I saw this ice cream truck and started running towards it, and

And you never realized that there was a hole in your way


Would you call that a problem, if you get back to that part of life, was it a problem or trouble for you

Yes it certainly was, I wasn’t able to play or go anywhere else, and I had to stay home all the time

Good, but did you ever fell in any hole again afterwards

No, I was very careful after that, my parents also got that hole filled, in fact, our neighbors did the same.

And you still think it was a trouble, remember I was talking about perspective


You see it as problem, I see it as a guide for you to avoid falling down in future, but you were not the only one who was guided by this event, your parents, your neighbors, and your school people also learned from it and made sure that all holes are filled so no other child gets hurt like you did

I never thought on these lines

I told you, fact always remains the same, it’s the way you see it

I am getting you now

Problems and troubles that you face in your life have something to offer to you, they are your opportunities in disguise, opportunity to learn, to achieve, to be guided, all you need to do is to go ahead and face them, rather then avoid them

But that’s what we are taught, avoid problems, keep out of trouble

Be right back

Ok I am back

Good, tell me one thing, Is it necessary whatever you are taught is right, think about it, but first tell me where you went

I believe now I am getting the picture, why you came and why did you start the conversation

Hmmm, and what’s your guess

My best friend, with whom I am friend with for last 4 years and have proposed her quite a few times, we were talking and she told me that there is this other guy who has proposed her and she is thinking about to marry him, 4 years I loved her. I still do, and she goes with someone else, you knew it was going to happen, didn’t you? And that’s why you started this whole stuff that problems are your guide, you wanted to prepare me before I get the bad news

Hmm, so how do you perceive this one?

She is the only one I ever thought about, she is the one I dreamed about, she is the one I want to marry, I want her to be my life partner

Ahaaan!, why did she say NO to you?

She said the other guy was asking her out for quite some time, and she felt like she should answer him,

Did she answer him?

No, actually she was feeling guilty, before she said NO to me saying that I don’t want to marry any of my friends, I only want to do arranged marriage, and here is this friend of hers, asking her for the same thing, he is nice, likes her, but if she says yes to him, it would be wrong with me

But why him and why not you

That’s exactly what I asked her

What did she say?

She thought that I was not interested in her but she felt compelled to ask me before saying yes to the other friend, since I proposed her first and she was feeling guilty inside

Why did she feel that you were not interested?

Because I didn’t ask or propose her in last few months and the other guy did it almost every time

So you weren’t persistent


Did you learn something?

When you need something you need to be persistent, you need to be sure its yours and give it your best

Whatever you want, wants you, she wanted you too, that’s why she asked you and told you about the situation before her decision, had you been more persistent in your approach, the outcomes may have been different, may be her other friend wanted her more, think..

You think so

I sure do

But I lost her

No, you just learned a very costly lesson, one you will never ever forget in your life now

It’s the simple rule of nature, higher the price you pay for any lesson, more significant impact it has over your life

What do I do now?

Love her

How can I, If she is getting married to someone else

Love her

She will not love me, how can I love her

Love does not need to be reciprocated, its multiplied by giving, you don’t need to receive it in order to grow it, Just Love her, you don’t need to posses her to Love her, your being is full of love, just glow your self and spread your love, to love something, you don’t need to posses it,


And not only love her, start loving every one around you, people, things, creations, be a symbol of love, more you give, much more you get in return and then you will never need to remember that you are missing someone from your life

So problems are guides

Face your troubles and problems and you will start learning lessons of life, both worldly and divine, once you master one set, you will be presented a higher set of lessons, may be in much bigger problems or troubles, I can tell you there is one more lesson on its way to you since you learned this one, bigger then you ever thought,


Yeah, one more blunder, but I believe you have learned well enough from your past, it shouldn’t be a problem for you,

Problem or guide

Very smart, you are going in the right direction, always remember, when you loose, don’t loose the lesson and yeah All the very best, remember life is full of speed breakers, if u slow down, don’t forget to press accelerator once u hit the freeway again

All these small problems are your guides and opportunities in disguise, they are presented to you as you need them, they are lessons that you need to learn all along your way, one at a time, they will keep repeating themselves until you master them, more problems and troubles you have in your life, that means you are chosen by the divine to do something worth while in this world and to be able to do that, you need to learn your lessons, to master certain stuff, otherwise you will not be able to exploit the opportunities


In fact whenever you see a problem, you should rejoice that the divine has chosen you for higher learning and is presenting you with yet another lesson on the way, you should welcome troubles and outcomes not anticipated by you as they are your doorways to the eternity, and when things or events don’t turn out to be the way you wanted them to be, just be sure that someone up there has better planning for your future then you can ever do for yourself, your belief will make all the difference for yourself

I got you

So how’s your life going now?


Any complaints from life

Yeah waiting for the next big BLUNDER

Good, all the very best!

And it all vanished again

Rizwan I have some bad news


I said I have bad news

I heard that, tell me what it is

Your girl friend is getting married to someone else


Rizwan, She got is finalizing someone else

That’s nice

I thought you wanted to marry her, and here you are happy on her engagement with some one else

No I am not happy; I am delighted, she must be very happy

You have gone out of your senses

No honestly I am happy about her

I guess you have gone insane; you are becoming a problem for your self

And she shut the door

Rizwan, how does it feel to be a problem for yourself?


First know thyself and then guide thyself, all the very best

Being my own guide

But remember, every problem has a solution, all you need is to look for it, or if you can’t find it, ask for a miracle


Ask and you may get it, and trust me you may…

And it disappeared with following words

What the student calls the burden, master calls strength training…


Raheel Lakhani said...

nice article, very insightful. humour added a midas touch to it. but i found a problem, i mean an opportunity in it. the person saying in the italics was not prominent, reader can get confused from it and then there are changes in the pattern. Maybe it is your inner voice, intellect, conscience or a friend.

I think it is quite nice and appropriate to keep it in disguise for reader to discover it as per his personality and intellectual level. now thats embarrassing, i have just contradicted my own point.

Raheel Lakhani said...

however, the changes in the pattern should not be ambigious.

Anonymous said...

beautiful piece Rizwan!

I have known for u for quite some time but never thought u possess such a remarkable ability to transform ur thoughts in words with such a flow... keep it up sport!

now as far as the review of a piece of literature is concerned, I have a few observations...

the person saying in italics sometimes sounds almost boring... five to six lines sentences make it sound like some Friday Sermon... guess the "person saying in italics" could also use some humor.

I dont know somehow the other person looks like a character of some drama serial... aint his problems a little too much???

Unknown said...

what i m left with is.. u r an inspiration for me atleast.

em proud of u.