Sunday, September 11, 2005

Knowing and Knowing about

What are you thinking Rizwan?
I was thinking about this guy my friend plans to marry
Do you know him?
I know about him
But do you know him?
I told you I know about him
Yeah I heard that, you know ABOUT him
But do you know him
What’ the difference
Knowing about swimming can never make you swim; you can only swim when you know swimming
What you want to say
Knowing all about mango is never enough unless you taste it your self
But what’s the point
You said you know about him, you have read and heard about him, but you don’t have a clue who he is
Am I not on the right track?
There is nothing right and there is nothing wrong, it’s you who need to be right, who have carved a need to be right for your self
I didn’t get you
All paths lead to the same destination because that’s the only one there is, there is nothing else possible, because all IS there is, there is nothing outside IS, so whatever you do, you are always the part of IS, and when you are part of IS, you can never be wrong, the term wrong never exists in the IS.
All the maps in the world can not give you the experience you get by getting lost in a strange alley
You mean to say experience matters
You need to know IT rather then just be satisfied knowing about IT and it applies to every one, every thing around you
if I tell you all about heavens and true happiness, you can not know what it is like to be eternally happy, unless you experience it your self, knowing about true love is much different then the falling in love and holding the hand of your lover in a winter night. Hmm
It’s your experience that matters and not knowing about it, and that’s what matters
I thought we were talking about that guy I was thinking about
Yeah we are
Rizwan just try to understand, its your thinking that makes things happen, not their appearance, same object can have different meanings for different people, and can create different feelings and behaviors in different beings. If two minds see the same thing they may or may not come to the same conclusion, so if you know about something, it means that you are having someone’s opinion about that thing, chances are that if you experience the same thing yourself, your conclusion may be different
So it’s always better to know something yourself rather then knowing about it from some other source
But it is not always possible to know every thing
The limitations are only in your mind, you believe there are limitations and then you attract and manifest them in your lives, and things seem impossible
You mean to say I can know about every thing and every one
You already do, you just need to realize that you do
I didn’t get you
Remember I told you about the radio frequencies, you have the frequency to tune into the realm of unlimited potentiality, but unless you tune in, you don’t even know it exists, its all inside you,
Rizwan tell me one thing, if I take some air in a jar what do I call it
But it’s just a part of unlimited air available, do I still call it air
Yes, since it is air
What makes you say that it is air and nothing else separate from air?
I don’t know the scientific detail but at least know that the composition of air inside your jar would be same as that outside, so it is the very same air
So if it’s the very same air, it must have the very same capabilities and potentialities as the air outside
Theoretically yes
See the difference, you know about it, but you don’t know it
But I agree, it would be same air as air outside, when you know this fact, it would be easy for you to understand that there is only one IS, and we all are part of that IS, there is nothing that IS not. You also are a integral part of that IS, and if I take you, stand alone, you also are that IS, you also have the same capabilities and potentiality as IS has, just like the air,
And when I said that I take some air in the jar and contain it, it is not separating air in the jar from the air outside, rather that jar is becoming part of that larger air, where air is outside as well as inside, just like if I put a bottle full of sea water in the sea, I would not mean that the sea inside the bottle is different and separate from the sea outside, rather even a kid would understand that this small bottle is now part of that larger sea,
I never thought like that
You also have the same IS ness in you, you have the same unlimited potential, same power of manifestation that created this whole material world we see and every thing inside it, it is inside you as well as outside you, you are not separate from it, you could never be because there is nothing where IS is not
Thanks for showing me a different direction
Again you are going in the same direction, I told you and now you know about it, you are happy just knowing about it, but the real test is knowing it yourself, experiencing it yourself, feeling being an integral part of it
How do I do that?
What do you do when you wish to feel part of your family?
I just meet them, or talk with them
You do the same for the IS, you be a part of it and communicate with it
How do I communicate?
Thru silence, that’s the language of the soul, language of nothing, language of the unlimited, its when you are able to tap into that gap of silence, the IS communicates with you, miracles and coincidences start happening in your life, all you have to do is to tune in to the right frequency of silence and allow the IS to make you feel being integral part of the great IS ness.
I will try
You don’t try Rizwan, how many times I have to tell you this, you just do it
I understand
again the same thing Rizwan, unless you do it yourself, you will just know about it, you will not know it, Go in silence, feel the silence inside you, feel your being, feel the life inside your body, move one part at a time, and feel life in each and every single part of your body, realize that your life is something other then your body, feel your breathing, in and out, feel the flow, go with it,
I do meditate
I am not talking about rituals Rizwan, they sure are important, but to a certain point, they make you religious but not spiritual, and being religious has its limitations, its same as knowing about the ultimate truth, but to know the truth, you will need to experience it yourself, know it yourself, believe it yourself, that would make you spiritual, so to a certain extent its good to be religious, but there is much more to the ultimate then what comes across your eyes
So you are saying I shouldn’t follow my religion and my rituals
I said religion and rituals are important, they get you started, but then you have to choose your own path and experiences to know your true reality of who you really are, unless you experience that yourself, no book or teacher in the whole being can explain you that no matter how hard you or they try
If I start right now, practicing silence and getting on my spiritual journey, how long will that take?
Time does not exist in the infinite, its just a product of this material world, there is no concept of time out of this world, its only one moment, that is NOW, that’s all there is, every thing happens right now, and that’s the only reality, there is no concept of time and space in the infinite
Rizwan, its not something outside you that you have to go and find out, its all within you, and when I say all, I mean each and every thing, to the most tiny details, its all right inside you, all you need to do is to realize your true self and once you realize your self, you will know every thing, since nothing is separate from you, its all one
Every thing
Yes Rizwan everything, just like in this world, a doctor can tell every thing about you, just be studying a single DNA from your body, a very very small part of your body, similarly, you carry the DNA of this universe, this whole reality, if you understand yourself, that means you understand the whole universe
Rather then thinking that you are in the universe, be sure that the whole existence lies within you, start thinking and feeling outside your body, right now you are having experience of a body in this world, with this experience you know what it is to be in the body, but you didn’t have a body before this experience, you were just a soul, deep down inside you, you know what is being a soul, go deep down inside and realize that knowing, feel it, and be it
I am getting a little lost
Yeah you are little lost, but that does not mean you can’t find your way out, rather then saying that I m lost, start saying that I am searching, searching within, when you feel lost, chances are you will give up, but if you are searching, you would not
Go within, its all there within you, just ask for it, and all answers will be provide, its all inside you, but my telling you all this, you will have to experience it yourself, unless you do it its no good
Rizwan I said this before I am saying this again
I can tell you every thing
But it would not mean any thing unless you go and experience it yourself
Many beings are just happy knowing about it
Or knowing about those who really know it
But very few strive to actually go there and know it themselves, have their own experience, their own journey
Go and experience it yourself
All the very best

And it all disappeared

Rizwan, did you think about your new business partner
I was thinking about this guy, I talked to you about, but I don’t know him
But you know about him, he’s got a good reputation
But I don’t know him
Your clients know him, your friend knows him well too
You are right, they all know him but I don’t, and how can I enter into a partnership with someone I don’t know
You can not know the whole world Rizwan; you will have to rely on others judgments too
But I want to know him personally before I enter into a partnership
You have gone mad; you can never do business

And she slammed the door again

Life itself is a business Rizwan, more experience you have, better you are at it
Nothing can replace your own first hand experience, and I mean it nothing

And it vanished with these words

Sayings remain meaningless until they are embodied in habits
(khalil Gibran)